Outbound Connection

Outbound Connection defines and sets up the external system’s URL and authentication that are common to one or more endpoints defined by the External Adaptor.

Figure 2 - Layout of an Outbound Connection

Setting Description
Description Enter a label for the connection, such as the name and version of the external system or interface.
External Key Optionally enter a label to identify the external system, as with any Xytech document.
Authentication Method Select the method used to log in to the external system:
- Basic - Enter the Username and Password, below.
- API Key – Enter the Key and Value pair into the Username and Password fields.
Base URL 1 Base URL 1 is required. (exclude any trailing '/')
Base URL 2 Base URL 2 is optional. (exclude any trailing '/')
Username Enter the login account used to authenticate to the external system
Password Enter the login account used to authenticate to the external system

Base URL Fail-over

Where you have specified a secondary URL, the fail-over logic will become enabled.

If Base URL 1 does not respond after the retry count, set in the Export Adaptor, the system will then fail-over to Base URL 2.

Assuming Base URL 2 is successful, all following triggers will continue to first be sent to Base URL 2.

If Base URL 2 fails to respond, then the system will fail-over back to Base URL 1. 

If both Base URLs are unavailable, the system will give up after the fail-over Base URL fails to respond. (it will not continue to flip-flop between Base URLs)