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Event Trigger

The Webhooks functionality builds on the existing Event Trigger features of the Media Operations Platform, providing a notification template option where you can assign an Export Adaptor and the payload template.

The Event Trigger defines the criteria that determine when a payload is sent, the method and content of the payload, and the Export Adapter to which it is sent.

  • The Event Triggers and Conditions tabs determine the criteria of when to send payloads.
  • The Notifications tab determines the method used to send the payload.
  • The Notification Template tab determines the destination of the trigger content.

Refer to the Online Help for more information about Event Triggers and how to configure them.

Event Trigger

Event Trigger options described

ActiveSelect (check) to make this payload active, or deselect (clear) to stop sending messages for this payload.
Event CodeUse the event code of NOTIFY
EventDescription of the trigger
Event Type

Select when to trigger:

INSERT sends messages when a record is first created.

UPDATE sends messages when a record is modified.

DELETE sends messages when a record is deleted.

DocumentSelect the data object for the trigger.
Doc Table NameSelect the sub-table of the document for the trigger.
AccessSelect Global to trigger payloads for the entire system, or select an access method (Division or Work Group) to limit payloads to a specific subset of the system.
DivisionWhen Access is set to Division, select the Division for which payloads will be sent. Only documents related to the selected Division will generate payloads.
Work GroupWhen Access is set to Work Group, select the Work Group for which payloads will be sent. Only documents related to the selected Work Group will generate payloads.


Defines the field conditions that initiate a trigger, such as when a specific field is set or modified.

_ Event Trigger Conditions_


Establishes the notification type – select ‘Email/Alert’ for webhooks.

Event Trigger Notification Type_

Notification Template

Defines the action to take for the trigger.

Event Trigger Layout for Export Adaptor

Export Adaptor Trigger Details

Select the Export Adaptor to use.

Generate Default Template

Click to generate a standard payload template for the selected Document, Event Type, and Export Adaptor.

If any of the Document, Event Type, or Export Adaptor Type definitions change, you should re-generate the default template which will overwrite the previous template. If manual changes have been made to the template, you can update manually or note the additions prior to regenerating the template and reapply the changes.

Export Adaptor Template

  • Displays the payload template used to generate the payload.
  • Either in JSON or XML format. (The format of the template should match the format specified in the Export Adapter that will use the template.)
  • Syntax validation will occur when saving the Event Trigger and you will not be able to save if the template contain invalid JSON/XML syntax.
  • Users can add document fields to the payload using the syntax [table.fieldName].
    Additionally, users can drag and drop a field from the Template Fields list on the left into the payload template field.
    Note. You can only include fields on the template from the primary triggered document and not from related tables.

Dragging a field from the Template Fields list into the payload template.

Parsing and storing of response payload values

Web hooks includes the ability to store a value(s) received in the response body back into a field from the triggered document.

This allows Xytech to store the ID generated by an external system as a result of a web hook POST that creates the record.

Supported is the parsing of scalar and single values to be read and stored. Not arrays or JSON objects.

Can only store values back into the originating document, not related documents.

Configure Export Adaptor's response format

The Export adaptor includes a ‘Response Format’ parameter to define the expected response format.

Figure 1 - Response Format

If you don’t specify a content type , the default will be plain text.
The storing of Notes and Blob base64 image values is supported.

Event Trigger Response Parsing Template

The Event Trigger includes a new field to define the Export Adaptor’s ‘Response Parsing Template’.
Here you will add the parse criteria in the format of:
<table name.field name> = response.<parse field>.

Figure 2 - Response Parsing Template

To Parse JSON

Example response payload:

    "data": {
        "desc": "This is sample description.",
        "id": "ABCEFJ23454"

Note: always include the response prefix.

If the originating document was Title and you wanted to store the 'id' value into ‘external_key’, then it would look like this:
[lib_title.external_key] =

You can store more than one value from the response payload:
[table.field1] =
[table.field2] =

To Parse XML

To parse an XML response, use XPATH syntax.
W3Schools XPath tutorial:

Simple parse:
[lib_title.external_key] = response/desc

An attribute of an element:
[lib_title.external_key] = response/catalog/book/@id

Return all values under /response as text
[lib_title.title_desc_2] = response

Example XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
     <book id="bk101">
        <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
        <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
        <description>An in-depth look at creating applications 
        with XML.</description>
     <book id="bk102">
        <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
        <title>Midnight Rain</title>
        <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, 
        an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
        of the world.</description>

[lib_title.external_key] = response/catalog/book/@id returns the first id 'bk101'
[lib_title.title_desc_2] = response/catalog/book[@id='bk102']/title returns 'Midnight Rain'

To a Text Response

Where a text response is configure, the system will store the whole text payload.
If the response value returned is too big to store in the target field, it will get truncated.
Any existing values in the database will get overwritten with the new value.

[lib_title.title_desc_2] = response

The prefix of 'response' is mandatory to represent the response payload.